Tło Tatra Mountains and Podhale

Tatra Mountains and Podhale


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Frydman's attractions

03.10.2016 Frydman is one of the oldest villages in Podhale. This town boasts a valuable monument, which is a fortified castle built on its territory in the 17th century. Here is also the oldest Gothic church in the entire Podhale region. The settlement itself has a long history, which began in the eleventh century. Like all Podhale, Frydman was going through a period of ups and downs. In the most favorable period, it took on the character of a small town, which is still remembered by the historic urban layout preserved here. A small market and compact buildings are those elements that make this village unique. What attractions await visitors here? Tourists first visit the local temple. It is a beautiful monument of Gothic architecture, which is decorated with a magnificent tower decorated with a Renaissance attic. The appearance of such attics in today's Spisz was the result of the influence of Hungarian religious architecture. In this church, it is worth paying attention to the chapel of the Virgin Mary added in the 18th century. The interior design is considered to be the most beautiful example of Rococo style art in Poland. A fortified castle is another valuable monument of this town. Built in the 17th century, it belongs to the group of those buildings which turned out to be a kind of noble culture phenomenon. The combination of a comfortable residence with a defensive stronghold here in Frydman looks great.